Speaking of stress, NEET and JEE exam time is a very tense time in a student’s life. Paradoxically, many students attempt to deal with this stress in ways that are counter-productive or even self-defeating; their behavior and attitudes tend to diminish their performance on exams rather than enhance it.
While there is no guarantee for an easy time on exams, there are some specific guidelines that students can follow which will help them learn more efficiently during exam time.
It is clear that it does not help to put added stress on yourself by:
- Keeping irregular hours.
- Pulling all-nighters.
- Eating irregularly or eating junk food.
- Relying on ineffective learning strategies.
Guidelines to manage stress before NEET/JEE:
- Try to stay on a reasonably regular schedule of reviewing, eating, sleeping and relaxing.
- Don’t attempt to study 24 hours a day; your efficiency and capacity to retain material will rapidly decrease.
- Don’t force yourself to study beyond your normal limits of concentration. If you find yourself able to concentrate for only ten or twenty minutes, study for only that period of time and then take a short break. Your concentration should return. In fact, short and regular study periods are more productive than lengthy single sessions.
- Eat a well-balanced diet and drink lots of fluids.
- Take medication only under the supervision of a physician.
- Be conservative and reasonable about the demands you place on yourself.
Wishing you all the best for exam.
– Career Point Team.