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4.05 Lac+ Students

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2.5 Crore+

Tests Attempted

80 Lac+

Student Selections

1.9 Lac+

India’s best learning app

Register now and Start learning with Kota’s Expert faculty at home. Get Interactive Live Class, Recorded Video Lectures and Check your Performance with Online Test & Quiz

NEET Live Classes

Crack NEET exam with eCareerPoint. Join now Live Course for NEET Exam preparation.

JEE Live Classes

Crack JEE exam with eCareerPoint. Join now Live Course for JEE (M+A) Exam preparation.


Career Point Advantages

CPLive coaching methodology is the same as Kota's coaching methodology with many additional powerful features to make preparation .

  • Start learning with eCareerPoint Get unlimited access of structured Live & Recorded Lecture, Test & advanced conceptual study material.
  • Classes by Kota's Expert faculty members
  • Compile & Customize your study stuff in Profile
  • Academic & Motivational Seminar
  • Free Stuff - Study material, eBooks, eDPPS etc
Every Student is Unique

We believe that every student learns differently and we work towards helping them learn better.

They learn with videos, concepts, tests & stories

Whether they want to start a new chapter or revise an old one, students learn at their own pace.

Learn better with individual learning paths

We provide multiple types of courses according to each students needs, they can choose courses according to his requirment.

Students experience all round academic growth

Our four modules work seam-lessly to boost every student's all-round academic growth, helping them learn better.

What eCareerPoint Offers?

eCareerPoint is a technology based online learning initiative by Career Point. Add Power of Kota Coaching to your Online learning with Career Point.

  • Live Online Interactive Classes

  • Online Test Series and feedback

  • Procure Printed SMP & Exercise Sheets

  • Free Stuff - Study material, eBooks, eDPPS etc

  • Live Online Doubt Removal

  • Recorded video lectures

  • Daily Dose - Important Questions. Quizzes & Study Tips

  • Live feed - Access to Important Videos, tricky Questions


CP Wall of Fame

Become lifelong learners with India's best teachers, engaging video lessons and personalised learning journeys

Kunal Kundwani

AIR 63 | JEE Adv. 2020

Rohit Kr. Gupta

AIR 74 | JEE Adv. 2020

Vipin Sharma

AIR 15 | JEE Adv. 2019

Khushi Meghani

AIR 78 | NEET 2021

Paras Bansal

AIR 38 | NEET 2020

Dunggam Gao

AIR 95 | JEE Main 2023

Vankudoth Suryacharan

AIR 281 | JEE Main 2023

Gulshan Choudhary

99.68 %ile | JEE Main 2023
View All

Trust of more than 4.05 Lakhs Students and Parents




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