NCERT Solutions of Chapter 20- Locomotion and Movement

NCERT Solutions of Biology for Class 11 Chapter 20 – Locomotion and Movement

Download NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology chapter 20, at eCareerPoint for free from the links below. This chapter is important as it covers about 25 per cent weightage in the syllabus. This chapter explains the physiology of the human body. Human Physiology covers all the functions of the body organs. This chapter explains locomotion and movement performed by different living organisms in detail. As we know that in search of shelter and food, living animals and plants perform locomotion. You will study locomotion mechanisms, skeletal systems, different types of disorders of skeletal, joints, and the muscular system.

These solutions are made up of comprehensive language which is easy to understand for students. These solutions will help you with the exam pattern and how to answer questions. This will help you to score better in your exams. Furthermore, these solutions are crafted by highly experienced teachers of Kota to help you with the best material. Our NCERT solutions covers the clears the fundamnetals but also allows them to prepare for higher competitive exams as well.Thes solution covers wide variety of examples , questions and answer that are written in easy to understad language. Download your solutions form below and explore other subjects of class 11 at at eCareerPoint.

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NCERT Solutions of Chapter 20- Locomotion and Movement